MilkyTracker, Sunvox Keybinds as TSV
December 22, 2024Ctrl-Alt-Space (cycles thru pattern/instrument/sampler section)
Alt-Enter Switch between full screen and windowed display (Windows & SDL)
Shift-Command-F Switch between full screen and windowed display (OS X)
Shift-M Mute current channel
Ctrl-Shift-M Invert muting
Shift-U Un-mute all
Ctrl-Shift-T Open a new tab
Ctrl-Shift-W Close current tab
Ctrl-Shift-Left Select previous tab
Ctrl-Shift-Right Select next tab
Alt-= Increment instrument number of all notes in the current selection
Alt-- Decrement instrument number of all notes in the current selection
Ctrl-Shift-= Increment instrument number of all notes in the current track under the cursor
Ctrl-Shift-- Decrement instrument number of all notes in the current track under the cursor
F1…F8 Select octave
Space Toggle pattern editor focus (edit mode on/off)
Enter Play song from current order
Ctrl-Enter Play current pattern from beginning
Shift-Enter Play current pattern from cursor position
Shift-F9 Play current pattern from beginning (same as Ctrl-Enter)
Shift-F10 Play current pattern from position after the first quarter of the pattern length
Shift-F11 Play current pattern from position after the second quarter of the pattern length
Shift-F12 Play current pattern from position after the third quarter of the pattern length
Alt-Space Play song from current row (stop and return when keys are released)
Shift-Space Play row by row
Esc Stop
Ctrl-F Toggle song follow
Ctrl-P Toggle prospective pattern view
Ctrl-W Toggle pattern wrapping
Ctrl-L Toggle pattern change behavior (live mode)
Ctrl-O Load song
Ctrl-S Save song
Ctrl-Shift-S Save song as…
Ctrl-Q Exit program
Alt-F4 Exit program
Cursor keys Move around
Tab Jump to next channel
Ctrl-Tab Jump to previous channel
PageUp Jump 16 rows up
PageDown Jump 16 rows down
Home Jump to first row
End Jump to last row
F9 Jump to beginning of the pattern
F10 Jump to position ¼ through the pattern
F11 Jump to position halfway through the pattern
F12 Jump to position ¾ through the pattern
Ctrl-Z Undo
Ctrl-Y Redo
Shift-Cursor keys Select block
Shift-Alt-Cursor keys Extend block
Ctrl-A Select entire pattern
Ctrl-X Cut
Ctrl-C Copy
Ctrl-V Paste
Ctrl-Shift-V Convert current pattern to sample
Ctrl-I Interpolate values
Delete Delete note/instrument/volume/effect/parameter
Shift-Del Delete note, volume and effect at cursor
Ctrl-Del Delete volume and effect at cursor
Alt-Delete Delete effect at cursor
Insert Insert space on current track at cursor position
Shift-Insert Insert row at cursor position
Alt-Backspace Insert space on current track at cursor position (alternative for keyboards with no Insert key)
Shift-Alt-Backspace Insert row at cursor position (alternative for keyboards with no Insert key)
Backspace Delete previous note
Shift-Backspace Delete previous row
The key right of LShift Enter key-off
The key below Esc Enter key-off (Windows only)
1 Enter key-off (OS X only)
Alt-Plus or Shift-J Increase Add value
Alt-Minus or Shift-H Decrease Add value
Ctrl-J Increase BPM by 1
Ctrl-H Decrease BPM by 1
Ctrl-K Increase BPM by 5
Ctrl-G Decrease BPM by 5
Alt-I Load Instrument (current slot)
Mousedrag selection move selection
Shift+Mousedrag selection clones selection (when 'advanced dnd' is enabled in Misc-tab in config)
Alt-F7 Transpose current instrument in block down
Alt-F8 Transpose current instrument in block up
Shift-F7 Transpose current instrument in track down
Shift-F8 Transpose current instrument in track up
Ctrl-F7 Transpose current instrument in pattern down
Ctrl-F8 Transpose current instrument in pattern up
Alt-F1 Transpose all instruments in block down
Alt-F2 Transpose all instruments in block up
Shift-F1 Transpose all instruments in track down
Shift-F2 Transpose all instruments in track up
Ctrl-F1 Transpose all instruments in pattern down
Ctrl-F2 Transpose all instruments in pattern up
Ctrl-Shift up/down Select next/previous sample
Shift & drag Quick draw
Shift & drag Quick draw
Ctrl & drag Resize selection
Alt & drag Move selection or loop range
Ctrl-Alt-A Advanced edit
Ctrl-Alt-C Configuration
Ctrl-Alt-D Disk Operations
Ctrl-Alt-I Instrument editor
Ctrl-Alt-R Disk Recorder
Ctrl-Alt-S Sample Editor
Ctrl-Alt-T Transpose
Ctrl-Alt-X Main Screen
Ctrl-Alt-Z Toggle Scopes
Sunvox Keybinds
undo CTRL + Z
redo CTRL + Y or SHIFT + CTRL + Z
new project or object (module/pattern/...) CTRL + N
selection begin CTRL + (
selection end CTRL + )
select all CTRL + A
copy CTRL + C
paste CTRL + V or SHIFT + INSERT
duplicate / clone CTRL + D
detach: detach the selected modules from the rest or convert the clones to the normal patterns; CTRL + H
insert an empty note and shift the pattern content down; or just insert something INSERT (or Command+I on Mac)
delete previous note and shift the pattern content up; or just delete something BACKSPACE
delete DELETE (or Fn+Backspace on Mac)
exit the application ESC
new project CTRL + SHIFT + N
load project CTRL + O
save project CTRL + S
save project to BACKUP.sunvox CTRL + B
set octave number F1...F8
octave up SHIFT + )
octave down SHIFT + (
play current note (in the pattern editor) and copy it to the brush CTRL + E
play current line (in the pattern editor) and copy it to the brush CTRL + L
paste from the brush CTRL + G
edit mode ON/OFF SPACE
increase the edit step CTRL + '='
decrease the edit step CTRL + '-'
insert ""Note OFF"" (==) CAPSLOCK or '~'
insert a special command ""Set Pitch"" (SP) K
insert a special command ""Previous Track"" (<<) SHIFT + K
paste and mix CTRL + M
select track CTRL + T
interpolate values CTRL + I
interpolate velocity CTRL + U
transpose up (+1 semitone) SHIFT + '='
transpose down (-1 semitone) SHIFT + '-'
transpose octave up (+12 semitones) SHIFT + ']'
transpose octave down (-12 semitones) SHIFT + '['
place selected events evenly CTRL + P
cyclic shift up SHIFT + 7
cyclic shift down SHIFT + 8
randomize module controllers CTRL + R
module link/unlink SHIFT + mouse movement
write the value to the pattern SHIFT + controller value change
next module SHIFT + >
previous module SHIFT + <
next synth CTRL + >
previous synth CTRL + <
next module horizontally (to the right) CTRL + RIGHT
previous module horizontally (to the left) CTRL + LEFT
next module vertically (below) CTRL + DOWN
previous module vertically (above) CTRL + UP
toggle mute CTRL + 1
toggle solo CTRL + 2
toggle bypass CTRL + 3
unmute all modules CTRL + 4
find a module CTRL + F
change the size of all modules SHIFT + scroll wheel
change the size of the selected module CTRL + scroll wheel
Description Keys
play/stop F9
play from beginning F10
play pattern F11
stop F12
record start/stop SHIFT + F9
play from the pattern cursor SHIFT + F10
go to beginning SHIFT + F12
write a microtone (Set Pitch XXYY command) to the pattern SHIFT + touch
first button on the left Y or ENTER
last button on the right N
cancel ESC
buttons from left to right 1...9