
December 15, 2023

Frontmatter maker

some vimscript to make making hugo blogging easier. add this to your .vimrc then run it with leader f h (frontmatter hugo)

" Function to insert Hugo front matter
function! InsertHugoFrontMatter()
    let front_matter = "+++\n"
    let front_matter .= "draft = false\n"
    let front_matter .= "date = '" . strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") . "'\n"
    let front_matter .= "title = \"\"\n"
    let front_matter .= "description = \"\"\n"
    let front_matter .= "slug = \"\"\n"
    let front_matter .= "authors = []\n"
    let front_matter .= "tags = []\n"
    let front_matter .= "categories = []\n"
    let front_matter .= "externalLink = \"\"\n"
    let front_matter .= "+++\n\n"

    " Move to the beginning of the file and insert the front matter
    call cursor(1, 1)
    call append(0, split(front_matter, "\n"))

" Mapping to trigger the insertion of Hugo front matter
nnoremap <leader>fh :call InsertHugoFrontMatter()<CR>