Giggity git: the fast git script
December 15, 2023simplifying version control
git can be complicated. I made a little bash script to make life easier. it pulls, adds, commits, pushes. the nice thing is it asks you for your commit message.
always pull before pushing. always wipe from front to back. avoid those merge conflicts like the plague.
add an alias to this to your .zshrc or .bashrc. i called mine of course dont forget to chmod +x it.
# Perform a Git pull to update the local repository
git pull
# Add all changes to the staging area
git add .
# Prompt user for commit message
read -p "Enter commit message: " commit_message
# Commit changes with the provided message
git commit -m "$commit_message"
# Push changes to the remote repository
git push
add this to your .vimrc:
" my cool git shortcut
command! -nargs=* Giggity :execute '!bash /Users/bweew/Documents/bash/' <args>
then you can run the command :Giggity to push to git
changed for linux
it worked fine on my mac made some updates to work on my linux mint computer
command! -nargs=* Giggity :execute '!/home/mint/Documents/bashscripts/' <args>